Our Philosophy

At Mentone Pre School, we believe every child is capable, unique and curious about their world.

Flower leaf bfly

Our Program

Kindergarten is a wonderful place for children to interact and learn from one another. It provides countless opportunities to discover, think, plan and play. Each child is encouraged to explore the wide range of educational experiences available through a program developed on the basis of the teacher’s knowledge of the children as individuals. 

This knowledge is gained through ongoing observations and the teacher’s interaction with each child. The focus is on enhancing their strengths and recognises that all children are different and should be allowed to develop at their own pace to reach their individual potential.

Wooden blocks portrait Wooden blocks portrait

Aims of the Program

  • To provide an enjoyable, cooperative and safe environment where children feel valued and supported
  • For each child’s unique worth to be valued and their self-esteem strengthened
  • For each child to develop confidence in their own ability to function as a member of a caring and loving group
  • For each child to be aware of and express his or her own needs, feelings and ideas appropriately and to recognise these rights in others
  • For each child to be encouraged to develop a sense of independence and responsibility
  • For parents to be welcomed into the kindergarten and their unique relationship with their child to be recognised and valued
  • To encourage parents to participate in the Preschool programme
  • To communicate with parents on an ongoing basis about their child’s development
  • To have the children and the Preschool community value and respect differences of culture, gender and ability
  • For the children to be allowed to develop their social, emotional, cognitive, physical and language skills
  • To foster an enjoyment of discovery and learning about the world
Sandpit portrait Sandpit portrait
  • We believe that all children have the right to explore their world and learn through play.
  • We encourage open-ended, creative play that is child-directed, intentional, and meaningful.
  • We value a learning environment underpinned by building respectful, reciprocal, and inclusive relationships.
  • We are committed to protecting children from harm and providing a safe and inclusive environment.
  • The role of our teachers and educators is to facilitate experiences of discovery for children and to enhance their learning through intentional teaching.
  • We are committed to developing collaborative and reflective practices to support ongoing professional learning and continuous improvement of our pedagogy.
  • We appreciate life and living things, sustainable practices, and environmental awareness.
  • We aim to create and foster a culture that respects and protects our natural environment.
Playdough portrait Playdough portrait

Educational Program

  • Play dough and clay using hands, rollers, cutters, natural materials, buttons, etc.
  • Using puzzles to enhance spatial awareness
  • Building with wooden blocks and construction sets for the development of concepts of size, volume & space
  • Painting with endless shades of colour, using a wide variety of tools
  • Printing using stamps, sponges, balloons, corks, buttons, etc.
  • Creating boxes, streamers, and confetti with paste, sticky tape, and staples to join materials.
  • Paper tearing & cutting with scissors
  • Threading & sewing
  • Drawing using crayons, felt-tip pens, oil pastels, chalk & pencils and a variety of paper types and sizes
  • Books: big books and conventional books, picture books and story books – to look at, read together and talk about
  • Puppets and storytelling to enhance imagination, memory and communication skills
  • Dramatic play: home area, office, hospital, dress-ups etc. and shops, restaurants, etc.
  • Sand and water play
  • Running, climbing, and balancing on the outdoor equipment. Throwing, catching balls and bean bags
  • Group times: singing, games, finger-plays, rhymes, discussing, using musical instruments and movement activities with the teacher and other children
  • Mother's Day, Grandparents' days, Fathers' sessions, relevant festivities and celebrations
  • Incursions & excursions: as appropriate and relevant to the program.
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