We offer two long day (7.5 hour) sessions for 3-year-old kinder (3-4yo) for a total of 15 hours per week.
Our sessions run from 8.30am to 4pm on Tuesdays and Fridays during school term time.
This group has 28 children, 1 teacher and 2 educators.
3yo Dolphins Group
3yo Dolphins Group
We follow the Victorian school terms. Sessions do not run on public holidays and during school holiday periods.
Incursions are scheduled each year for all groups and may vary depending on the interests of the children.
Excursions are kept to a minimum for the 3 year old age group, however we offer a range on incursions based on educational experiences.
Past incursions experienced by 3 year group have included music and dance, Life Education experiences, Body Safety programs, animal and reptile visits as well as other incursions that compliment the educational program.
We also receive visits from the local primary schools, Mentone Primary School and St Patricks Primary School. These visits can include student leaders reading stories and playing with children, school choir and band performances as well as educational experience run by primary students with teacher supervision.